Happy New Year!

This year, Town Branch Park achieved tremendous growth thanks to you. In 2020, we are excited to move into Phase Two of the project, during which we will complete the final plans for the park. We invite you to follow our progress through our Facebook and Instagram pages. The staff and board of Town Branch Park wish you a joy-filled new year!

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Completed Phase 1 of project with conceptual design, development agreement with LCC and LFUCG, nonprofit conservancy infrastructure and capital campaign plan

Raised over $11.5 million in cash, pledges, and deferred gifts to date

Adopted the Town Branch Park Inclusion Plan with 72 strategies and 12 recommendations for the design, programming and operations of the park

Awarded 501c3 nonprofit status from the IRS and moved to new, donated office space


Worked with Fayette County Public School teachers to develop educational opportunities tied to park programming and amenities

Designed the first public art for the park called First Impressions, representing the history and ecology of Lexington

Met with over 1,000 members of the community to talk face-to-face about the vision for Town Branch Park

Continued partnership with Bluegrass Youth Sustainability Council to invite young people to shape the park

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Learned from and collaborated with over 70 leaders from other privately funded urban parks around the country


Completed environmental assessment, site survey, and geotechnical studies through a grant from the US Army Corps of Engineers




1. Raising an additional $10 million toward the fundraising goal of $31 million

2. Retaining design and engineering teams to finalize park design

3. Completing the business model for park opening, including revenue, maintenance and operating strategy

4. Engaging local arts organizations for feedback on the design of the stage and great lawn as part of a National Endowment for the Arts grant

5. Working with Town Branch Park Partners to lead community engagement efforts and ensure the final design meets recommendations from the Inclusion Plan