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Downtown parks serve as green engines to help address nearly every critical urban need.  Gatton Park on the Town Branch will be more than just a pretty place - the park will enhance the quality of life in Lexington and nurture the health and well-being of our people, the entire community, the environment and our economy.



Gatton Park on the Town Branch will provide space for residents of all ages and backgrounds to interact with each other and meet new people. Dating back to the 19th century, when Frederick Law Olmsted introduced the first large-scale urban parks to this country, these parks have provided relief from the urban intensity for residents and brought people together across social, economic, and racial divides.

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Serving as the trailhead, Gatton Park on the Town Branch provides a critical link between our major trail systems - the Legacy Trail and Town Branch Trail - connecting the urban core and Lexington’s iconic countryside, creating 22 miles of separated bike and pedestrian paths. 



Parks are essential to any smart growth plan. Adjacent to the convention center and in the heart of the region’s commercial and financial hub, Gatton Park on the Town Branch will be a source of positive economic impact, supporting growth in downtown residences and major real estate investment in the surrounding area.



Gatton Park on the Town Branch will play an important role in supporting a healthy environment amid our growing city. By converting almost 10 acres of parking lot to natural green space, the park will help improve air and water quality and provide healthy habitats for humans, wildlife, and plants within our urban core.



Numerous studies show exposure to green space reduces negative health outcomes, including general stress or conditions prevented by physical activity - heart disease, diabetes, and general obesity, to name just a few. In addition to a myriad of health benefits offered by physical activity in general, research has shown outdoor exercise in nature can enhance emotional well-being and amplify the benefits of physical exercise.