
a welcoming place for everyone to visit and enjoy


Our Park Partners & Inclusion


To ensure that the future Gatton Park on the Town Branch is a welcoming, beautiful place for all Lexingtonians and visitors to enjoy, Town Branch Fund Board of Advisors formed Gatton Park on the Town Branch Partners. This group of diverse community leaders is tasked with ensuring that inclusion and access are integral to the design, programming, and operations of Gatton Park on the Town Branch. To this end, the partners have created an inclusive park document that addresses recommendations and continues to prioritize meaningful engagement with residents throughout the planning phase.

Earlier input showed that delving deeply into designing spaces that are inclusive is paramount to a successful park. For example, when Gehl Studio conducted a Public Space Public Life Survey in 2015, it found that less than 5 percent of children in Lexington spent time downtown. In addition, both the Parking Lot Diaries and On The Table engagements highlighted local concerns to ensure that public spaces were even more inclusive, both in terms of the design process and programming.

We want this to be the people’s park. Your input will help ensure that Gatton Park on the Town Branch is not only extraordinarily beautiful but also contributes to the vitality of all of Lexington.

Download a PDF of the Gatton Park on the Town Branch Inclusion Plan and learn about our Park Partners below. If you would like a hard copy of the report, contact us at


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Community Input & Engagement


It is our commitment that Gatton Park on the Town Branch will be an inclusive, welcoming and well-used space in the heart of downtown. We are committed to listening to all segments of our community and incorporating feedback into the design at every phase. Our first round of community engagement was the Inclusive Park Survey, resulting in over 2,000 responses the Gatton Park on the Town Branch Inclusion Plan.

In March 2021, as part of Schematic Design, lead design firm Sasaki and local consulting firm EHI worked with Gatton Park on the Town Branch to hold small focus group meetings with various segments of the community, including adjoining property owners, senior citizens, arts groups, nature and wellness enthusiasts, youth, parents, young professionals, and others. Additionally, several public pop-up events, an online survey, and a Virtual Community Meeting were held to gauge opinions on various design features. We invite you to watch the full recording of the meeting including a presentation of the park vision and current design drafts.

Your input ensures that Gatton Park on the Town Branch is a world-class community gathering place for Lexington, reflective of our city’s unique character and spirit.