Town Branch Park receives $2 million gift

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June 13, 2023

The Lane Report

LEXINGTON, Ky. — Town Branch Park announced that the Will (Naylor) Smith Foundation will make a $2 million donation to the park. The water play area will be named for Susan Moulton’s son, Will Naylor Smith, who died 16 years ago at age 8 in a car accident.

Moulton, who for the last 5 years has been splitting her time between San Antonio and a horse farm near Versailles, wanted to become more involved in the community – especially with children.

“I love the location of the park,” Moulton said. “Families and visitors will have access to a big park in the heart of Lexington. I was attracted to the water feature because Will loved the water and the outdoors. You don’t ever get over the loss of a child, but you get through it by carrying them along with you.”